Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fat Camp -- Day 2.1

Started off the day very nicely -- down 1 pound!

After breakfast, I went to Resistaball, a stretchy-type class using those exercise ball thingies (you know, the ones call Resistaballs.)  Then I had an appointment with the nurse, to check in and see how things have been faring since last I was here.  My resting heart rate is a not-too-shabby 68, and my blood pressure is 102 over 70, so yay! not dying!

Then I had a little time to kill before lunch, which I killed by doing 30 minutes on the elliptical.  It took me awhile, but I've become an elliptical convert; so much easier on the knees than the treadmill!  (Or the bike... I might be sitting wrong on the bikes here... something to ponder...)

After luncheon, I had my favoritest of all Structure House classes, Martial Arts.  Sherman, who teaches the class, is just fantastic, and I adore him to high heaven. 

I followed Martial Arts up with a period of socializing, and then went to Foam Roller Flexibility, a flex class that involved stretching with those foam roller things.  It HURT.  Sometimes in a good way, but mostly it just hurt.  So after that, I hobbled back to my room and showered, and for as long as the water stayed hot, it felt darn good.  Then the next thing I knew it was dinnertime!

I seem to have accidentally deleted some people's comments from earlier posts while attempting to respond to them.  I apologize!  I love you all, and you are all important to me!  Even people I don't know!

In other words, I will figure out the comment system on this blog, and your future words will not be lost to all eternity.

I pinkie swear.


  1. Hi! Out of curiosity, why this blog, and not LJ or DW?

  2. That's a question I'd rather answer via e-mail. So I shall! Sorry, rest-of-the-internet!
